Iced Tea

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Here’s an easy recipe for iced tea. It’s a lazy way to make iced tea but it works.  I honestly can’t remember if I read  it somewhere or if I thought of it myself. Iced tea is also a great beverage for those really hot days when you could use a bit of a hit, caffeine wise, but can’t stomach the coffee. All you have to do is get a jug, throw about 3 regular orange pekoe tea bags in and pour cold filtered water over, filling the jug, and then refrigerate for a while. After at least an hour it will be ready and you can pour it over ice, add sugar, lemon, lime or mint. The longer you can leave it to steep the stronger it will be. I made some today and I threw in some peppermint tea bags as well! I can hardly wait til it’s done steeping!


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