Dates Are Nutritious and Delicious

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The palm date is a very old plant, having been around apparently for 50 million years according to fossil records. Archaeological evidence for cultivation goes back to 6000 BCE in and around the regions of Iraq. Dates are an amazing fruit. They can be convenient and nutritious at the same time. You can probably practically live on them since they contain so many essential nutrients. Plus, six dates have 1 gram of protein, 30 carbohydrate grams and almost no fat.   Since dates are nutritious and delicious they’re fun to cook and experiment with.

In addition to being super nutritious, dates have many added health benefits. Great article here about all the health benefits dates can provide.

When it comes to eating and cooking with dates I can say from experience that the smoky flavor and richness of the unpitted medjool dates are a different ball game than the pitted dates of any variety. the smoky and intense

8 Recipes with Dates

Roast Chicken with Dates, Olives and Capers

Spaghetti with Dates, Oranges and Anchovies

Medjool Date and Nut Pasta

Date Tapenade

Spicy Jalapeno and Chipotle Cheese Stuffed Medjool Dates

Medjool Date BBQ Sauce

Carrot Sala  with Dates and Oranges

Lemon Date Relish

Pineapple and Date Relish

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